Cavatorta Giovanna holds a Phd in Cultural Anthropology from EHESS – Paris and in Social Sciences from the Padova University. After having defended the thesis on return migration to Senegal, she started a fieldwork in Djibouti on the abandonment of the so-called FGM/C practices. At present, she is post-doc researcher at the Department of Political Science, Roma Tre University, where she is project coordinator for the MAP-FGM Project. Here she also participates as teacher and tutor to the Master degree in Public Anthropology. Her main research fields are Italy, West Africa and Djibouti and her research matters are migration, governamentalities and sex/gender/generation systems. © Meti s.a.s. - P.IVA 02945910780  Cavatorta Giovanna POSSIEDI UNA LIBRERIA? Vuoi essere informato su tutte le nostre novità attraverso un canale a te dedicato? FGM/C: From Medicine to Critical Anthropology a cura ISBN 978-88-6484-032-1